Coastal Observation &
Seabird Survey Team

COASST is a citizen science project of the University of Washington

COASST believes citizens of coastal communities are essential scientific partners in monitoring marine ecosystem health. By collaborating with citizens, natural resource management agencies and environmental organizations, COASST works to translate long-term monitoring into effective marine conservation solutions.

Log In

Feel free to give us a call (206-221-6893) or send us an e-mail (
if you experience data entry problems, or have trouble logging in.


Do you enjoy walking on the beach? Are you interested in learning more about the marine natural resources in your area? Want to play an active role in marine conservation? Become a COASST participant. COASST will provide you with all the supplies to need. Send us an email ( or give us a call (206-221-6893) to get involved!


COASST is a citizen science project of the University of Washington in partnership with state, tribal and federal agencies, environmental organizations, and community groups. COASST believes citizens of coastal communities are essential scientific partners in monitoring marine ecosystem health. By collaborating with citizens, natural resource management agencies and environmental organizations, COASST works to translate long-term monitoring into effective marine conservation solutions.